Im writing about this because i like to describe the images that the early humans draw.They are so interesting.
The first picture i chose is: The Spear thrower
Some details i saw in this image are this: the spear is brown/It has a hole at the bottom for the spear/It has a carved image of a horse/It is large.Some scientists help us to understand this painting saying that the spear was a decoration, or it can be related to the hunter’s name.
The second image i chose is:Cave painting of shapes and handprints
Some details are: the painting has animals running(maybe deer or horses)/There are handprints/Humans around the animals(maybe trying to hunt the animals)/Circular shapes/Zig zag line.Some scientist make us learn about this artifact by telling us that maybe the handprints were like their signs and that the geometrical shapes have special meaning in rituals.
The last image i saw is:Clay sculptures
I saw details like this ones: One bison is like climbing/They are looking the same direction/they look small and dark.Scientist help us to learn that maybe the sculptures belonged to a certain clan. And that the early humans used this in special ceremonies.
I thing all this images were about hunting and I think that hunting was very important to all the early humans because it was the job that make them survive all their lives.