Thursday, November 18, 2010

Collaborating Constructively in Literature Circles!

Last week we worked with a partner doing Literature Circles. We divided the work in half, so I made one question, one important passage, one connection, and one vocabulary word, and my partner the same. This was the first time to do Literaturre Circles in partners so it was a great new experience that I will like to share with you.

The benefits of working with a partner were that we could read and work in Hummanities class,  by talking with our partner and trying to find important parts of the story. In class we could share and talk about our own ideas about the book, so we could understand the book better and we could do a better work in our Literature Circles.

But in our disscusion we encountered some challenges and some obstacles. Some of them were that we couldn't find a great passage to talk about and that made us feel frustrated. One of my problems was that I coudn't think about any good question that day, so I needed to disscus almost all the book with my partner so we could understand what was happening and what was important to the novel. But at last I guess everything worked out very well using our communication.

Now that I realize, being in partners really made me understand more the book because every time we had a question we could help each other. So now I would like to be in partners again because we can help each other and we can do a better performance like that.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Literature Circle Reflection

In the Literature Circles group we disscus the most important passages of the book we are reading. We give ideas, opinions and questions that help us understand the book better. Doing goups discussions have helped me to understand the book better because we communicate ideas and we can ask things we don't understand. We read paragraphs and we say if we agree that it is important. That means that my partners really help me to undertands and enjoy my novel "Maroo of the Winter Caves".

In the discussions we say connections and reactions that are about the book. Some connectons and reactions I made are this ones:
  • I liked the names that the author used, like: Maroo, Otak, Nimai and Tikek.They are maybe real names.

  • I like the spirit of adventure of Maroo because she is so brabe and smart.
I think that maroo is going to find out that her father is dead and she will need forces to get through it. Maybe having challlenging experiences will help Maroo to be stronger and she is going to be like her father.

I think too, that she will teach her little puppy how to do special jobs and she is going to make her tribe to improve.

Maybe she will become a great hunter like her dad was.

Thank you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Post of Symetry!

This is a car picture that I took last week.
In this photo this car has one line of symetry going directly through the midlle of the car from top to bottom...