Today I am going to be talking about my favorite book. My favorite book is called 'Clubes Rivales' and the author is Javier Malpica. Even though it is in spanish, I love to read it. It is about a group of girls and a group of boys competing to see which group is better. But the exciting thing about this book, is all the challenges they have, for example, once they had to get into a hunted house and stay there all night. I really like this book because I teaches the readers about team collaboration and friendship.
This book made me think about friendship and collaboration, because in the end, they all became really good friends. Everyone worked together to prove which group was better, but in the end that didn't matter anymore because everyone proved loyalty and honesty to each other.
This book challenged me as a reader because this book is more advanced like the the other 6th grade books I've read. It has many vocabulary that I didn't know, and the author wrote many metaphors that were hard to understand. I believe that in the end, I learned so many things Even though I learned in spanish, it will help me with my english too, because I can just change all I learned into English and it will be the same.
If you want to read this book, of course you can, and you will love it! But I will recommend you not to read this book if you don't like reading about friendship and amazing adventures. And don't read it if you don't know spanish otherwise you won't understand it. :D
I hope you enjoyed my reflection, and I hope I gave you enough reasons for you to read this book!
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