Thursday, November 17, 2011


In this post im going to be talking about a 'This i believe' essay by Aaron. The point of this is to know how this belief is important in daily life and how it realtes to us by experiences we've had in life.

The essay's name is 'Abnormally Normal' by Aaron
Here is a piece of the writing:

"We’re all normal. It’s true. I’m sure there is some existential link involved in the process of finding normality. That’s part of the journey. I am 36 years old and have Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and ADHD tendencies. Sure, normality is an elusive and subjective concept, but after admitting some of my own distinguishing characteristics, I still believe that we’re all normal."

I believe this essay relates to the belief of being free, since Aaron wants to feel normal and do whatever he wants without anyone telling him its wrong.

Aaron is a normal man, with a normal life. But he doesn't feel the same. He feels like his illnesses make him different. He feels like he has no freedom. He also have many reasons to be happy and free, since he's got a wonderful family who accepts him like he is!

This essay connects a little bit to me.. Maybe even to everyone.. Being free gives you the chance to be whatever you want and not being afraid to show it!

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