Monday, February 27, 2012

Victory.. By Sonia Weitz

From all the poems we saw today, I had to choose "Victory" as it appealed so much to me. I think that Sonia and her father had a really close connection, and even though they were already dealing with problems (being in a concentration camp) her dad showed his appreciation towards her. I think she chose the title to demonstrate the only thing Nazis couldn't take away from them, which was LOVE. I liked the way Sonia wrote the poem in a way to explain the feelings she had while they danced together, specially when she talks about how everything around them stopped for that moment. The only perfect moment for them. Although this poem doesn't have any connection with my life, I believe that if I had gone through what Sonia went through, it obviously would have been a terrible experience for me, as I am really connected with my family and I wouldn't have taken the pain of being away for them. That is why I chose this poem, because it explains how strong she was even in the worst circumstance, and how love can take you anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea, I think you did a really good job explaining how you feel. But, it was a bit hard to understand the part where you tried to explain why the title was called victory. Another part that I dont get was the part where you said that "Sonia's father was showing appreciation towards her" that didn't really make sense because her father was separated into a different concentration camp and I think you should have said that Sonia was showing appreciation towards her father by righting this poem. I would have liked the poem a little more if you explained how you felt for the poem with a little bit more better word choice. Overall your poem was really good, and I like that fact that you stated that you had no personal connections to this poem and instead you rote a connection about how you felt about this poem. Excellent job =D
