Obstacles In Life Are There To Make Sure You Know Something Is Worth Fighting For.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
How do we know what is moral?
First of all, being moral is being concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and goodness or badness of human character. For me, being moral a huge thing I have to achieve. My religion, Catholicism, tells me to follow the right path and reach morality, which leads you to heaven, where God waits for us. If you, instead choose to go the opposite way, to immorality, then you will never be happy, and you will go to hell. To recognize someone as a moral person, they have to follow certain rules. They have to be nice to others, and they can't hurt them. You also have to stay happy and be honest at all times. This is what being moral means to me.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Aaron is a normal man, with a normal life. But he doesn't feel the same. He feels like his illnesses make him different. He feels like he has no freedom. He also have many reasons to be happy and free, since he's got a wonderful family who accepts him like he is!
This essay connects a little bit to me.. Maybe even to everyone.. Being free gives you the chance to be whatever you want and not being afraid to show it!
DomiKnow Profile
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Summary of the 1st Story of Odysseus
Odysseus’ troop stop in an island to rest, after sailing all day. Half of them go explore the island. Odysseus went looking for them after many hours. He found them eating a fruit the islanders had. The 'Lotus Fruit' made people forget everything. Odysseus saved them and left the island.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Greek Myths
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
7th Grade Blog Post
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner? I learned that I get distracted easily and this can affect me a lot. I also learned that if you really want to be better you can ask teachers to help you out, and you can really improve. I feel proud of myself because I could finish this school year without any trouble and I learnt so many things that will be helpful in the future.
4. To evaluate your work habits, provide explanations about the following topic:
- Behavior: I think I behave well in class. But sometimes, I get distracted with my classmates which makes me talk and not do my work. In the end, it affects my grades and behavior.
- Performance: Satisfactory
- Explanation: I believe that in the future, I can improve and concentrate more in what I am supposed to do instead of getting distracted with my classmates.
5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.
Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to study more for my quizzes or exams, etc, so that I can have better understanding in the topics and to get better grades.
Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to concentrate more in my classes because then I can understand the teacher better and I can learn better for the important projects or tests that we could have in the future.
6. Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know? I take time to feel comfortable in classes and that is because I don't know the teacher very well. But don't worry to much, because once I get to know them, I will start behaving how I normally do.
7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it? My favorite lesson in Humanities was Mesopotamia because we had to do an awesome project about Babylonia We had to choose a song and change the lyrics that had to talk about a ruler from there. I really enjoyed it.
8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on? I think we should have took more time with the Tic Tac Toes because our dead line was too short. I think the best thing to do was to give us about 3 weeks to work on it because we had to work on three different assignments!
9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018? Have fun, but remember to focus on school too!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My Spring Break Adventures!
The next few days I spent them in the pool or shopping at malls and when it was Sunday night I felt a knot in my stomach because it was the day before classes and i didn't want vacations to end. They flowed really fast. But still even though it wasn't a huge vacation I enjoyed it a lot. And anyways we just have one week of classes and then: MALAYSIA WEEK!! I cant wait to go to Langkawi! Its going to be so fun because I am going with Maria, Megan, Laura, Yu Ern, Melody and Julie! We are all in the same class so we really are going to like our trip.
So these were all my Spring Break Adventures, which I loved and I can't wait to have the next vacations to have more adventures to tell you about.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Giver Lit Cirlce Reflection #4
He is not allowed to give any memory to someone, but every time Gabriel wakes up at night Jonas chooses to give memories expecting him to relax and go to sleep, but even though he does that, I do not think its the best way to calm the baby because he is breaking a very important rule from his job.
He received the giver's favourite memory which was the Christmass memory. This experience helped Jonas understand love, union, happiness and many more beautiful feelings when you are with your family. Jonas is learning more about the "Elsewhere" which I think is the normal world. So maybe having this memories will want him to escape and feel it by himself by being in the normal world. WE WILL SEE WHAT HAPPENS!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Giver Reflection
I would say no. I dont think that somebody would like to live like that because they cant choose what they want to do for their lives. An example is the community where Jonas lives in. There everything is planned for everyone, they would receive a name they would grow up with a family unit and then they would have a job at the same age. That is for every single person in there. But in my perspective, I think that its better if you choose your own job and you live your life the way you want it to be.
Its better if you dont have your life planned because then your life would be boring and simple. If you can just experience different things everyday you can learn more about life and you will have more experience that others. If you just follow the same schedule all the time I think you would get tired of being the same as eveyone.
As a result, I think that its preferable to have your own life with our own rules, where you can choose your own and you dont have so many rules as Jonas' community. Maybe later they might change some of the rules because many people are getting tired.
Hope you enjoy my blog!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
iMovie Reflection!
In our i Movie we looked at the book and we searched in Wikipedia for information about Ramses, this means that we used real facts. We talked about all he did for Egypt and all the monuments he constructed. We chose the right pictures for the presentation thinking about what we were saying through the whole presentation. We tried to be as clear as we could and we deleted any background noise. In the comedy movie we put background music to make it more exciting and entertaining.
After presenting we heard comments and one of them was from Mr. Fischer. He said that for the sources, we needed to go to a special page to site it (MLA form). So that was what we missed, and i need we need to work on that. Another comment was from Ms. Nadaraj , she said that our voices didn't really matched with the pictures, but that was on Monday, so we tried to fix it the best we could.
I think that at the end it was a really good job and we finished at the due date.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
City Connections!
Last class everyone presented their City Connections. This was a presentation where we needed to talk about a city we've lived in and talk about the history and environmental factors that make that city important. I talked about Aguascalientes in Mexico and i think i did a good job making it and presenting it.
Well I think that my presentation was really good. First of all, I read the information, and then looked for pictures and I wrote the information in my own words. The day I presented I felt really nervous but I tried hard and I could do it. I heard all my comments and opinions and they said that I explained all the information really good and that they learned many things of Aguascalientes. So I think I did well in explaining details.
I think that if I do another presentation like this one, I would know what to do to improve. When I heard the students commenting, I always heard the same thing, and it was that I was talking too fast. When I am nervous, I always try to finish faster that is why I speak faster every second. I think that I need to work with my nerves because that can really affect me in my presentations. I need to relax and concentrate, because then they won’t understand what I am saying.
I heard many presentations of other students and I realized that every place it’s important in its own way. For example, some places had many mountains that make that place really beautiful and other places have many rivers that allow the city to have fertile soil. So I think that every place is important, and not just because you don’t know it, you won’t like it.
I think that I followed all the aspects of the rubric in my presentation, because I talked about environmental factors that helped Aguascalientes. I talked about the history of the city and all about the population and climate. In extra, I added many pictures, a video of beautiful places and pictures of hill and rivers. This means that I added more information and I think it was better like that. It was supposed to be 6 slides and above and I did 13 so I think it was a good job.
I am really happy that I could do a good job and I want to do another one soon because I think that the students can learn many things about different places of the world without going there and that is really helpful.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Learning Profiles!
In this blog post I am going to talk about my learning profile.
My profile is "OO". This means that I am kinesthetic and I use my hands to express my feelings and learn better.
Thank you
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
My new year's resolutions!
In the last new year I had a great moments with my family. Before 12:00 we celebrated and talked about new goals and resolutions for the next year. As always, I had a lot of resolutions for 2010 and here are a few.
- To help people with their problems: I really like to help when there is something wrong going on. I will help anyone that needs a hand because doing that you will make really happy that person.
- To be friendly and nice to everyone i know: I like to be friendly and kind to everyone because if they feel sad I can help them by giving them a smile and they will feel better.
- To get better in school: I wil like to have a succesful future so I need to concentrate in school and have good grades to learn the best I can in every class.
- To be more responsible with my homework: I am already responsible when it's about homeworks, but I will like to improve because doing homework will help me to learn and get better.
In this holiday break, i had so much fun with my family and friends. We went to Thailand for 6 days and to Singapore for 3 days.
In Phucket, Tailand we had so much fun because the first day when we arrived we went to the beach and took thousands of pictures! We stayed there until 7:00 when we decided to go back to the hotel and sleep. We spent the next 3 days in the beach swimming until one day my sister was bitten by a jellyfish so she was afraid to go to the beach again. So the next two days we swimmed in the pool and we still had fun. The next day was amazing because we went to a show called "FantaSea" where dancers performed really cool dances and Thailand stories. After that I rode a really big elephant! At the biginning it was scary but at the end I felt so happy and excited.
In Singapore we had fun too. The first day we arrived we went to a tour to different parts of singapore. We went to temples and we saw a big lion looked-like statue. The second day was the best because we went to Universal Studios! It was so cool because there were rollercoasters and water games, that were really exciting. And finally the last day, we went to Sentosa Beach and rode the "Banana" in the sea. We took a lot of pictures in all our vacations. Here are some:
I have a talent that no one knows. I can put my feet behind my head. Some people find it weird, but I think it's really cool.
As a conclusion this holiday was one of the bests of my life and I will never forget it. I feel so lucky to be here and have this kind of opportunities.